Staten Island Real Estate: Latest Data from Case-Shiller Shows Now is the Time to Buy a Home

Some of you, especially if you are considering buying a home, may constantly be checking to see if the housing market is improving to base your decision of whether or not you should buy a house, may have recently seen the Case-Shiller report which recently was released.  According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal the Case-Shiller report should be used as evidence that now is the time to purchase a home.

According to the Case-Shiller report two things are true and those same truths are reasons why now may be the perfect time to buy a home:

  • The Case-Shiller 10-city index shows that real estate prices have fallen 30% since 2005
  • Mortgage rates have fell.  Mortgage rates are currently 1.4% lower for a 30 year fixed loan than in 2006.

These two major points that were released in the Case-Shiller report show that individually it improves a buyers reason to purchase a home.  When these two things are put together it is an ideal time for someone to purchase a home as long as they have the funds to do so.

If you are interested in purchasing a home in New York and are looking for legal representation for your home purchase contact Steven T. Decker Staten Island and Brooklyn real estate attorney at 718.979.4300 or 800.976.4904.  We look forward to speaking with you and answering any legal questions you have regarding your Staten Island or Brooklyn real estate purchase.


Steven T. Decker is an experienced real estate lawyer, author and speaker. With over 20 years of experience, Steven represents individuals and investors in the purchase of residential and commercial real property. Steven is the author of "The Five Myths that can Ruin the Purchase of Your Home" and he is the publisher of the "New York Real Estate Law Blog". If you are buying or selling a home or commercial property in Staten Island, New York City or New Jersey contact Steven T. Decker, Esq. to discuss the services that he offers and how his legal representation will assist you.

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